The original file was created in Excel desktop. The cells of the table were formatted with gray cell boarder or no boarder. After saving the file in Aspose.Cells .Net, black cell boarder appeared.
The issue only appears…...access to our Paid Support management team. hchc January 17, 2024...
I am importing xml into a template spreadsheet with an xml map. A pivot table linked to the data imported contains a simple calculated item (not a calculated field).
However, when I try and refresh the pivot table the f…...access to our Paid Support management team. mackers78 February...
Hi, when exporting a word file to pdf, the layout is changed.
Exporting the same docx directly from Word however produces the expected result.
Please advise.
Stefan...access to our Paid Support management team. tefan57 April 12, 2023...
Hi, we have problem when converting some pdf files to PDF/A-1A format? we have file with 4 pages that consumes 1 GB of memory during conversion if running in windows and up to 4Gb if running in docker container.
Here is…...access to our Paid Support management team. sergei.shibanov April...
We upgraded barcode version from 22.9 to 23.10 and we are facing the following problem. Before when we were creating a barcode type PDF147 and QR the label appeared on the bottom of the barcode. Now is not visible a…...access to our Paid Support management team. 1 Like alexander.gavriluk...
We are using ASPOSE Total licensed version. We are not able to print Excel sheets using below code. I am using .Net 6. where System.Drawing is not supported.
Worksheet worksheet;
// Get the second sheet.
worksheet = wo…...access to our Paid Support management team. Before we implement...
We have been asked by a client if we can set the Advanced parameters in word, such as title, author etc.
In jasper this is done by using SimpleDocxExporterConfiguration and add it to AWDocxExporter with setConfiguration…...access to our Paid Support management team. marten.carlzon September...
When I try to set the size of the 2nd page, as the size of the 1st page. The annotation rectangles are not properly resized. Please see the code:
Document doc = new Document(“Doc_A.pdf”);
Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle rect…...been logged in our issue management system for further investigation...
My custom format [<10]0.00;[>999]#,##0;0.0 is removing -ve sign for numbers less than 0. any way to retain -ve sign for negative numbers ?...access to our Paid Support management team. amjad.sahi September...
Hello ,
I am converting pdf to docx and doc by below code but pdf image is overlapping to text .
Document doc = new Document(File);
DocSaveOptions options = new DocSaveOptions();
options.setFormat(DocSaveOptions.D…...been logged in our issue management system and are pending for...