Learn how To add Microsoft Project (Mpp/XML) resource prefixes in a case of nested resources using Aspose.Tasks for C++....HTML Product Solution Aspose.GIS...FileStream >( dataDir + u "Project1.mpp" , System :: IO :: FileMode ::...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for .NET 21.4....HTML Product Solution Aspose.GIS...when project is saved to non-MPP formats. Bug TASKSNET-4792 Fix...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for .NET 22.1....MppMPP format. Aspose.Tasks.Saving...Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.HtmlHTML format. Aspose.Tasks.Saving...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for Java 18.5....rendering into JPG, BMP, PNG and HTML New Feature TASKSJAVA-569 Integrate...thrown and caught exceptions on .mpp file opening Bug TASKSNET-2343...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for C++ 20.6....HTML Product Solution Aspose.GIS...Fix inability of MSP to open MPP generated by Aspose.Tasks Bug...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for .NET 19.11....TASKSNET-3517 Enhance XML to MPP copying procedure of view information...Tasks.HtmlImageType Represents HTML image type. The following public...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for C++ 21.7....HTML Product Solution Aspose.GIS...for the material resource in MPP Bug TASKSNET-3629 Fix disappearing...
The page contains the release notes for Aspose.Tasks for C++ 22.4....HTML Product Solution Aspose.GIS...icon is incorrectly shown when MPP saved by Aspose.Tasks is opened...