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Hello I have encountered 2 probleMs when using Chinese to generate PDF
there is a hyphen after each sentence
the right side cannot be aligned
but I use the English effect is very good
…...TextFragment("文学,在广义上,是任何单一的书面作品,I’m trying to create a TextParagraph...
TiMelineCollection الدرجة TiMelineCollection الدرجة يحدد مجموعة كل كائنات المخطط الزمني في ورقة العمل المحددة. بسبب M...... custom = "m/d/yyyy" cells . get ( 0 , 1 )...
I need to create Multibar coluMn chart having grouping x axis labels. Attaching saMple file here.
Could you share Aspose.Cells Java saMple code that could generate siMilar results?
I need different colors for t…... I’m using 23.8 jar version. Could...
Can you please provide saMple code for this feature or point to the iteM in docuMentation as I can’t find any new functions for this. Is this different to the HiddenText detection added in 21.9 (What's new|Aspose.PD…... I’m not sure why there’s a discrepancy...