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  1. Supported characters|Documentation

    A full list of characters recognized by Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET....K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o...9 0 A Ä B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Ö P Q R S T U Ü V W X Y Z...
  2. index.xml

    2.0 DocuMentation – 公共 API Aspose.DiagraM 17.x 中的更改 https://docs.aspose.coM/diagraM/zh/net/public-api-changes-in-aspose-diagraM-17-x/ Recent content in 公共 API Aspose.Dia......n Pagesp [m 0p ].n Shapesp .n GetShapep (m 1p )); n shapesp...diagramp .n Pagesp [m 0p ].n Shapesp .n GetShapep (m 2p )); c1 // save...
  3. K | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Gets or sets the black coMponent....PDF G M...
  4. Aspose.PDF Parallelization issue on extracting ...

    Hello. IM opening this ticket for a corporate custoMer which IM working for, who has a license for nuget version 20.3 Aspose.PDF. There seeMs to be an issue while trying to extract text in parallel froM docuMents conta…... I m opening this ticket for a corporate...corporate customer which I m working for, who has a license for...
  5. Working with Table-Row Data Bands in Java|Aspos...

    Output a sequence of table-row data when building a report in Java....Price <<foreach [m in ds.Managers]>><<[m.Name]>> <<[m.Contracts.sum(c...=> c.Price)]>> <<foreach [c in m.Contracts]>> <<[c.Clients.Name]>>...
  6. index.xml

    2.0 DocuMentation – PDF пішіндері. C# арқылы басқарыңызhttps://products.aspose.coM/pdf/kk/net/acroforMs/Recent content in PDF пішіндері. C# арқылы басқарыңыз on DocuMent......NET container level m-2 level-left level-item is-hidden-touch...px-6 column has-background-white m-5 AcroForm формасын PDF форматында...
  7. TableSubstitutionRule.AddSubstitutes | Aspose.W...

    TableSubstitutionRule AddSubstitutes Method. Adds substitute font naMes for given original font naMe in C#....unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option...Roman" , "M+ 2m" ); Assert . AreEqual ( new [] { "Arvo" , "M+ 2m"...
  8. TableSubstitutionRule.GetSubstitutes | Aspose.W...

    TableSubstitutionRule GetSubstitutes Method. Returns array containing substitute font naMes for the specified original font naMe in C#....unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option...Roman" , "M+ 2m" ); Assert . AreEqual ( new [] { "Arvo" , "M+ 2m"...
  9. -4-ans_frontend-relay-component-Ad-27-944d00336...

    (window.ansFrontendRelayWebp=window.ansFrontendRelayWebp||[]).push([["coMponent-Ad"],{"+7Ou":function(e,n,a){"use strict";a.r(n);var t={arguMentDefinitions:[],kind:"FragMent",Metadata:null,naMe:"us......d=a("SW3P"),u=a("FuLD"),c=a("q1tI"),m=a.n(c),g=function(e){var n=e.imageUrl..."px"]);if(b&&v)return m.a.createElement(o.e,{position:"relative"},m.a.createElement(l...
  10. TableSubstitutionRule.SetSubstitutes | Aspose.W...

    TableSubstitutionRule SetSubstitutes Method. Override substitute font naMes for given original font naMe in C#....unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option...Roman" , "M+ 2m" ); Assert . AreEqual ( new [] { "Arvo" , "M+ 2m"...