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  1. GetY | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

    GetY CMykColorHelper.GetY Method Gets the yellow coMponent value. public static int GetY ( int cMyk ) ParaMeter Type ...... GetC ( cmyk ); int m = Aspose . Imaging . CmykColorHelper...rgbColor . G , rgbColor . B , c , m , y , k ); } //The output looks...
  2. minutelabeldisplay - Aspose.Tasks for Java - AP...

    Developer's Manual that contains Java classes to work with Microsoft Project docuMents without utilizing Microsoft Project....static int M Sets the Minutes list in MS Project as m. static int...wait Field Detail M public static final int M Sets the Minutes...
  3. ToArgbIcc | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API 参考

    使用带有默认配置文件的 Icc 转换从 CMYK 颜色到 ARGB 颜色的转换... GetC ( cmykColor ); int m = Aspose . Imaging . CmykColorHelper...{3})\t\t=> RGB({4},{5},{6})" , c , m , y , k , rgbColor . R , rgbColor...
  4. TableSubstitutionRule.get_substitutes method | ...

    TableSubstitutionRule.get_substitutes Method. Returns array containing substitute font naMes for the specified original font naMe....unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option...Roman' , [ 'M+ 2m' ]) self . assertListEqual ([ 'Arvo' , 'M+ 2m' ]...
  5. TableSubstitutionRule.set_substitutes method | ...

    TableSubstitutionRule.set_substitutes Method. Override substitute font naMes for given original font naMe....unavailable, our table will look for "M+ 2m" as a second substitute option...Roman' , [ 'M+ 2m' ]) self . assertListEqual ([ 'Arvo' , 'M+ 2m' ]...
  6. index.xml

    2.0 DocuMentation – Общедоступный API Изменения в Aspose.DiagraM 17.x https://docs.aspose.coM/diagraM/ru/net/public-api-changes-in-aspose-diagraM-17-x/ Recent content in......n Pagesp [m 0p ].n Shapesp .n GetShapep (m 1p )); n shapesp...diagramp .n Pagesp [m 0p ].n Shapesp .n GetShapep (m 2p )); c1 // save...
  7. GetC | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

    GetC CMykColorHelper.GetC Method Gets the cyan coMponent value. public static int GetC ( int cMyk ) ParaMeter Type De...... GetC ( cmyk ); int m = Aspose . Imaging . CmykColorHelper...rgbColor . G , rgbColor . B , c , m , y , k ); } //The output looks...
  8. ToCmykIcc | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API 参考

    使用带有自定义配置文件的 Icc 转换从 ARGB 颜色到 CMYK 颜色的转换... GetC ( cmyk ); int m = Aspose . Imaging . CmykColorHelper...rgbColor . G , rgbColor . B , c , m , y , k ); } // 指定 RGB 和 CMYK...
  9. Matrix - Aspose.PDF for Java - API Reference

    Detailed explanation & exaMples for every class & Method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF docuMents using Java platforM....= [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] Matrix m = new Matrix(); Matrix (double[]...1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 20 }; Matrix m = new Matrix(c); Matrix (double...
  10. invariant_custom property | Aspose.Cells for Py...

    invariant_custoM property invariant_custoM property Gets the culture-independent pattern string for nuMber forMat. If......returns “m/d/y” and for some other locales it returns “d/m/y”. The...