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  1. index.xml

    2.0 DocuMentation – عام API التغييرات في Aspose.DiagraM 17.x https://docs.aspose.coM/diagraM/ar/net/public-api-changes-in-aspose-diagraM-17-x/ Recent content in عام API ......n Pagesp [m 0p ].n Shapesp .n GetShapep (m 1p )); n shapesp...diagramp .n Pagesp [m 0p ].n Shapesp .n GetShapep (m 2p )); c1 // save...
  2. HasM | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    HasM GeoMetry.HasM property Gets a value indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. public virtual bool HasM ......indicating whether this instance has M coordinate. public virtual bool...Value true if this instance has M coordinate; otherwise, false ...
  3. GetM | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

    GetM CMykColorHelper.GetM Method Gets the Magenta coMponent value. public static int GetM ( int cMyk ) ParaMeter Type...... GetC ( cmyk ); int m = Aspose . Imaging . CmykColorHelper...rgbColor . G , rgbColor . B , c , m , y , k ); } //The output looks...
  4. GetK | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

    GetK CMykColorHelper.GetK Method Gets the black coMponent value. public static int GetK ( int cMyk ) ParaMeter Type D...... GetC ( cmyk ); int m = Aspose . Imaging . CmykColorHelper...rgbColor . G , rgbColor . B , c , m , y , k ); } //The output looks...
  5. How does it works the built-in number format wi...

    Hello, could you help Me to understand the display value of a cell that use “14” (M/d/yy) as built-in nuMber forMat, please? We use Aspose Cells 24.1 and we have used this docuMentation to iMpleMent our code. This is …...value of a cell that use “14” (m/d/yy) as built-in number format...setStyle(style); System.out.println("Format m/d/yy built-in -> result: " + worksheet...
  6. DateFormatForBE | Aspose.Diagram for .NET API 参考

    DateForMat 时间线形状的开始和结束...width=“50%">3</td><td width=“50%">yyyy/M/d< /td></tr><tr><td width=“50%">4</td><td...width=“50%">6</td ><td width=“50%">yy-M</td></tr><tr><td width=“50%">7</td><td...
  7. DateFormatForIntm | Aspose.Diagram for .NET API 参考

    时间线形状 IntM 的 DateForMat...width=“50%">3</td><td width=“50%">yyyy/M/d</td ></tr><tr><td width=“50%">4</td><td...width=“50%">6</td>< td width=“50%">yy-M</td></tr><tr><td width=“50%">7</td><td...
  8. SetTextMatrix | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Initializes operator....SetTextMatrix ( Matrix m ) Parameter Type Description m Matrix Transfomation...
  9. GridWebException | Aspose.Cells for Java API Re...

    The exception that is thrown when Aspose.Cells.GridWeb specified error occurs....Description GridWebException(String m) Methods Method Description a...GridWebException(String m) public GridWebException(String m) Parameters:...
  10. SetAdvancedColorStroke | Aspose.PDF for Java AP...

    Class representing SCN operator set color for stroking operations....SetAdvancedColorStro(double c, double m, double y, double k, String patternName)...SetAdvancedColorStro(double c, double m, double y, double k, String patternName)...