Fill.fore_color property. Gets or sets a Color object that represents the foreground color for the fill....horizontal, half-transparent red line # with an arrow on the left... aw . drawing . ShapeType . LINE ) arrow . width = 200 arrow...
Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_LineSpacingRule method. Gets or sets the Line spacing for the paragraph in C++....ule method Gets or sets the line spacing for the paragraph. Aspose...Examples Shows how to work with line spacing. auto doc = MakeObject...
Draws the specified Line using the specified pen....Point) method Draws the specified line using the specified pen. void...graphical properties of the line to draw pt1 Point The first...
aspose.words.drawing.EndCap enumeration. Specifies Line cap style....EndCap enumeration Specifies line cap style. Members Name Description...Square protrudes by half line width. FLAT Line ends at end point. DEFAULT...
2.0 Documentation – Nagtatrabaho sa mga Talahanayan sa mga dokumento ng PDF sa pamamagitan ng Java content in Nagtat......chroma language-java java line cl line cl n Document n pdfDocument...data_booklet 7.pdf"o ); line cl k foro (n Page n page o :...
2.0 Documentation – PDF құжатынан мәтін мен суреттерді Java арқылы шығарып алыңыз content in PDF құжатынан мәтін мен......0 chroma language-java java line cl kd public kd static kt void...void nf Extract_Imageso (){ line cl c1 // The path to the documents...
ParagraphFormat.Line_spacing_rule property. Gets or sets the Line spacing for the paragraph....line_spacing_rule property ParagraphFormat.line_spacing_rule...sets the line spacing for the paragraph. @property def line_spacing_rule...
2.0 Documentation – ดึงข้อความและภาพจากเอกสาร PDF ผ่าน Java content in ดึงข้อความและภาพจากเอกสาร PDF ผ่าน Java on Do......language-java java line cl c1 // Open document line cl c1 n como ...Documento (n filePatho ); line cl line cl c1 // Create TextAbsorber...
2.0 Documentation – Trabajar con imágenes a través de C++ content in Trabajar con imágenes a través de C++ on Documen......chroma language-cpp cpp line cl line cl n String nf _dataDirp...Samplesse \\s "p ); line cl line cl k auto n document o =...
2.0 Documentation – Trabalhando com imagens via C++ content in Trabalhando com imagens via C++ on DocumentationHugo -......chroma language-cpp cpp line cl line cl n String nf _dataDirp...Samplesse \\s "p ); line cl line cl k auto n document o =...