Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects....Namespace System::Globalization Library Aspose.Slides Equals() GetNextTextElement()...
Specifies the size of the slide region (width when a child of RestoredTop, height when a child of RestoredLeft). Read float.... Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides set_DimensionSize()...
Returns a value that indicates how the pixels are offset during rendering on the surface represented by the current object....Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides set_InterpolationMode()...
Callback that will be invoked for each ForEach::MasterSlide in the Presentation....Namespace Aspose::Slides::LowCode Library Aspose.Slides ForEachSlideCallback...
Callback that will be invoked for each ForEach::LayoutSlide in the Presentation....Namespace Aspose::Slides::LowCode Library Aspose.Slides ForEachMasterSlideCa...