Aspose::Cells::FilterColumnCollection::FilterColumnCollection constructor. Constructs from an implementation object in C++....FilterColumnCollecti Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Filte...FilterColumnCollecti Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::NegativeBarFormat::NegativeBarFormat constructor. Constructs from an implementation object in C++....NegativeBarFormat Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Negat...NegativeBarFormat Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::ErrorCheckOption::ErrorCheckOption constructor. Constructs from an implementation object in C++....ErrorCheckOption Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Error...ErrorCheckOption Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::ConditionalFormattingCollection::ConditionalFormattingCollection constructor. Constructs from an implementation object in C++....ConditionalFormattin Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Condi...ConditionalFormattin Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::Column::Column constructor. Constructs from an implementation object in C++....Column Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Column::Column(const...Column Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Applying Aspose.Imaging Library to Compress images and photos using your own Python applications and server APIs....Imaging Library Download Apply the Compress...Through the Aspose.Imaging library, you have the ability to implement...
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Aspose::Cells::Drawing::TextBoxCollection::Get method. Gets the TextBox element at the specified index in C++....Namespace Aspose::Cells::Drawing Library Aspose.Cells for C++ TextB...Namespace Aspose::Cells::Drawing Library Aspose.Cells for C++ TextB...
Represents a collection of VbaReference objects in Java....identifier of an Automation type library. /// private static String...identifier of an Automation type library. /// private static String...