Aspose::Cells::ThreadedCommentAuthor::SetUserId method. Gets and sets the id of the user in C++....ThreadedCommentAutho Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Threa...ThreadedCommentAutho Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::Font::SetName method. Gets or sets the name of the Font in C++....Font Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Font::SetName(const...Font Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::AddPageBreaks method. Adds page break in C++....Worksheet Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Works...Worksheet Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::Properties::BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection::SetCompany method. Gets or sets the company property in C++....Aspose::Cells::Properties Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Built...Aspose::Cells::Properties Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Aspos...
Aspose::Cells::DataSorterKeyCollection::DataSorterKeyCollection constructor. Default constructor in C++....DataSorterKeyCollect Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ DataS...DataSorterKeyCollect Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ DataS...
Aspose::Cells::SettableChartGlobalizationSettings::SettableChartGlobalizationSettings constructor. Default constructor in C++....SettableChartGlobali Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Setta...SettableChartGlobali Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Setta...
Aspose::Cells::FormulaParseOptions::FormulaParseOptions constructor. Default constructor in C++....FormulaParseOptions Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Formu...FormulaParseOptions Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Formu...
Aspose::Cells::UnionRange::Intersect method. Intersects another range in C++....UnionRange Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Union...UnionRange Namespace Aspose::Cells Library Aspose.Cells for C++ Union...
Edit DOCX, DOC, PDF and a variety of other file formats in C++....Documents in C++ This C++ library provides developers with a...level of flexibility, our library provides C++ developers with...