ThemeColors Accent6 property. Specifies color Accent 6 in to set custom colors and fonts for themes. Document doc = new...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. Theme theme = doc...
ThemeColors.light2 property. Specifies color Light to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
Theme.colors property. Allows to specify the set of theme colors for the to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
ThemeColors.accent6 property. Specifies color Accent to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
ThemeColors.dark2 property. Specifies color Dark to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
ThemeColors.accent2 property. Specifies color Accent to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
Immutable object which contains effective Fonts set....object which contains effective fonts set. This interface is used...getLatinFont() Returns the Latinfont. getEastAsianFont() Returns...
ThemeFonts ComplexScript property. Specifies font name for ComplexScript characters in C#....ComplexScript property Specifies font name for ComplexScript to set custom colors and fonts for themes. Document doc = new...
ThemeColors Accent2 property. Specifies color Accent 2 in to set custom colors and fonts for themes. Document doc = new...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. Theme theme = doc...
ThemeColors Light2 property. Specifies color Light 2 in to set custom colors and fonts for themes. Document doc = new...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. Theme theme = doc...