Hi Team ,
We are using aspose-cells-21.7 for Excel report but it seems that there is an issue with below API
when I have been trying to format blow content by invoking “setHTML(String)”…...tags should new line We have logged a ticket with the ID “CELLSJAVA-44791”...save("f:\\files\\outasdfasdf.xlsx"); I have logged a ticket with an id “CELLSJAVA-44833”...
1D, 2D 및 우편 유형에 대한 Node.js 바코드 스캔 및 생성 라이브러리입니다. QR Code maxicode Aztec Code128 EAN-128 등을 위해 React Angular 앱에 쉽게 통합하세요.... log (result. getCodeText ()); console . log (result....
Hi Team,
We are trying to transform rtf format file into pdf file. In output file long link is truncated.
https://www.contratacion.euskadi.ejiedes.eus/w32-kperoc/es/ac71aBusquedaRegistrosWar/certificado/im…... I have logged the issue as WORDSNET-24789...
Hi Carlos Molina,
Unable to attach the large file to the Topic, Please refer the attached
4117313-q1_2023_peak_session_37.pdf.zip (11 MB)...close(); log.info("iteration {}, ASPOSE conversion...
pdf source code:
src.zip (4.4 KB)
origin pdf:
6DCS工业控制.pdf.zip (1.4 MB)
converted problem:
Caused by:class com.aspose.pdf.internal.ms.System.IO.lk: Attempted to read past the end of the stream. com.aspose.pdf.intern…...@hucq_landray_com_cn We have logged this problem in our issue tracking...
Minta kód az HTML -hoz PDFA C# konverzió. API-példakód használata HTML kötegelt fájlokhoz PDFA konvertáláshoz VB.NET, ASP.NET vagy bármely .NET-alapú alkalmazáson belül... Convert ( dataDir + "log.xml" , PdfFormat . PDF_A_1B ...
نموذج رمز من أجل تحويل EPUB إلى PDFA C#. استخدام رمز مثال لواجهة برمجة التطبيقات لملفات الدُفعات EPUB لتحويل PDFA داخل VB.NET أو ASP.NET أو أي تطبيق مستند إلى .NET... Convert ( dataDir + "log.xml" , PdfFormat . PDF_A_1B ...
Hello, we are using the XML data and XSLT templates to generate our pdf. However we came to a problem that when TextSegment element has empty value it resolves to …...sake of correction, I have logged it as PDFNET-42685 in our issue...
We have been using aspose mailmerge for a long time and recently we have updated to version 22.8 from 19.9 and since then we are noticing memory issues.
22.8 version - Memory and duration increase as time progre…...below the lambda code and the logs for memory usage. Our templates...
HTML - PDFA C# dönüştürme için örnek kod. VB.NET, ASP.NET veya herhangi bir .NET tabanlı uygulama içinde toplu HTML dosyaları PDFA dönüşümü için API örnek kodunu kullanın... Convert ( dataDir + "log.xml" , PdfFormat . PDF_A_1B ...