Working with parts of a table – rows, columns, and cells using C++. Specify Header Row accessing the selected document node by its index. Finding...the Index of a Table in a Document Sometimes you may need to...
Working with parts of a table – rows, columns, and cells using C#. Specify Header Row accessing the selected document node by its index. Finding...the Index of a Table in a Document Sometimes you may need to...
Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke class. Defines a stroke for a shape in C#....the Working with Shapes documentation article. public class Stroke...JoinStyle { get; set; } Defines the join style of a polyline. LineStyle...
FieldDatabase TableFormat property. Gets or sets the format that is to be applied to the result of the database query in C#....field into a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...+ "FROM([Products] " + "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products]...
FieldDatabase InsertOnceOnMailMerge property. Gets or sets whether to insert data at the beginning of a merge in C#....field into a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...+ "FROM([Products] " + "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products]...
Aspose::Words::Markup::SmartTag::get_Element method. Specifies the name of the smart tag within the document in C++....of the smart tag within the document. System :: String Aspose ::...MakeObject < Document > (); // A smart tag appears in a document with...
Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlProperty::get_Name method. Specifies the name of the custom XML attribute or smart tag property in C++....MakeObject < Document > (); // A smart tag appears in a document tags in our document using a document visitor. doc -> Accept...
Aspose::Words::Markup::SmartTag::get_Properties method. A collection of the smart tag properties in C++....MakeObject < Document > (); // A smart tag appears in a document tags in our document using a document visitor. doc -> Accept...
FieldDatabase FirstRecord property. Gets or sets the integral record number of the first data record to insert in C#....field into a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...+ "FROM([Products] " + "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products]...
FieldDatabase Query property. Gets or sets a set of SQL instructions that query the database in C#....field into a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...+ "FROM([Products] " + "LEFT JOIN[Order Details] ON[Products]...