Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::SignOptions::get_SignatureLineId method. Signature line identifier. Default value is Empty (all zeroes) Guid in C++....SignOptions::get_SignatureLineId method Signature line identifier. Default value...Examples Shows how to add a signature line to a document, and then...
Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::SignOptions::get_SignatureLineImage method. The Image that will be shown in associated SignatureLine. Default value is null in C++....natureLineImage method The image that will be shown in associated...Examples Shows how to add a signature line to a document, and then...
VectorPathDataResource Contents [ Hide ] VectorPathDataResource class Class VectorPathDataResource. This resource con...... override Signature { get; } Gets the signature. Version { get; Aspose.PSD draw the final image. [C#] string sourceFileName...
SignatureLineOptions.signer_title property. Gets or sets suggested signer's title...Examples Shows how to add a signature line to a document, and then...# Configure and insert a signature line, an object in the document...
Aspose.Cells for Java 21.3 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and fixes....CELLSJAVA-43402 Generate exact chart image from Excel file Bug CELLSJAVA-43408...sets identifier for this signature line. Adds DigitalSignature...
Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature Member List This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Extern......_byteRange Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Signature protected _document Aspos...Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Signature protected _image Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Signature...
BackgroundColorResource Contents [ Hide ] BackgroundColorResource class The resource with border information of Image......with border information of image print settings. public sealed...of 0). Signature { get; } Gets the resource signature. Should...
aspose.words.digitalSignatures.CertificateHolder class. Represents a holder of X509Certificate2 instance...visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article. Remarks...applied with our new digital signature. sign_options = aw . digitalsignatures...
Represents Signature form field....SignatureField class Represents signature form field. The SignatureField...order of the field. signature Gets signature object. This object...