Detailed explanation & examples for every class & metHod in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....extends Operator Class representing h operator (close path). Constructor...
FieldDate UseLastFormat property. Gets or sets wHetHer to use a format last used by tHe Hosting application wHen inserting a new DATE field in C#.... AreEqual ( " DATE \\h" , field . GetFieldCode ()); builder...
FieldDate UseSakaEraCalendar property. Gets or sets wHetHer to use tHe Saka Era calendar in C#.... AreEqual ( " DATE \\h" , field . GetFieldCode ()); builder...
FieldDisplayBarcode ErrorCorrectionLevel property. Gets or sets an error correction level of QR Code. Valid values are 0 3 in C#....\\f 0xB5413B \\q 3 \\s 250 \\h 1000 \\r 0" , field . GetFieldCode...
FieldDisplayBarcode BarcodeType property. Gets or sets tHe barcode type QR etc in C#....\\f 0xB5413B \\q 3 \\s 250 \\h 1000 \\r 0" , field . GetFieldCode...
FieldDisplayBarcode.barcode_type property. Gets or sets tHe barcode type (QR, etc.)...f 0xB5413B \\ q 3 \\ s 250 \\ h 1000 \\ r 0" , field . get_field_code...