Aspose.Tasks for C++ Public Member Functions Aspose::Tasks::ICssSavingCallback Class Reference abstract Represents a ......h > Inherits System::Object. Public...
System::IsExceptionWrapper< T > Struct Template Reference A template predicate tHat determines if tHe specified type ......h> Inherits std::is_base_of< Sy...
System::Constraints::IsCsPointer< SHaredPtr< T > > Struct Template Reference A template predicate tHat determines if ......h " Inherits true_type. Detailed...
is_Hidden proprietà is_Hidden proprietà Indica se questa cartella di lavoro è nascosta. Definizione: @property def is......cells classe WorkbookSettings is_h_scroll_bar_visible proprietà is_minimized...
comment_sHape mülk comment_sHape mülk Belirtilen yoruma eklenen şekli temsil eden bir SHape nesnesi alın. Örnek sHape...... width h = shape . height Tanım: @property...
is_Hidden Eigentum is_Hidden Eigentum Gibt an, ob diese Arbeitsmappe ausgeblendet ist. Definition: @property def is_H......cells Klasse WorkbookSettings is_h_scroll_bar_visible Eigentum is_minimized...
System::MakeConstRef< T > Struct Template Reference Trait to make generic type "const reference" if it is String or a......h " Inherits conditional< System::detail::is_a<...