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  1. FieldNoteRef.insert_reference_mark property | A...

    FieldNoteRef.insert_reference_mark property. Inserts tHe reference mark witH tHe same cHaracter formatting as tHe Footnote Reference or Endnote Reference style....assertEqual ( " NOTEREF MyBookmark2 \\ h" , ExField . insert_field_note_ref...assertEqual ( " NOTEREF MyBookmark1 \\ h \\ p" , ExField . insert_field_note_ref...

    META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.8.0_144 (Oracle Corporation) Name: classes.jar SHA-256-Digest: Mt6CTDSOIMKweMvjHGMl= Name: res/values/values.xml SHA-256-Digest: 6BttbqzdGkx......class Ab extends h { private static final int[][] h; private static...Ha.h); private static int g(String); private static int h(String);...
  3. Convert PNG to PDF using C# | Aspose.PDF for .NET

    THis article sHows How to convert PNG to PDF witH Aspose.PDF library in your .NET applications. You can convert PNG images to PDF format using simple steps.... FromFile ( path ); int h = srcImage . Height ; int w . PageInfo . Height = ( h ); page . PageInfo . Width = (...
  4. TextFragmentAbsorber | Aspose.PDF for .NET API ...

    Initializes a new instance of tHe TextFragmentAbsorberaspose.pdf.text/textfragmentabsorber tHat performs searcH of all text segments of tHe document or page.... Regex ( @"h\w*?o" )); // Accept the absorber...searches all words starting 'h' and ending 'o' using regular...
  5. Add Bookmarks|Aspose.Words for Java

    Add bookmarks to a document easily and fast instead of using docx4j....internal hyperlink to it Hyperlink h = MainDocumentPart . hyperlinkToBookmark...text" ). getContent (). add ( h ); Download Running Code GitHub...
  6. Guid() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Reference

    Constructs an object tHat represents a GUID consisting of all zeroes....uint8_t f , uint8_t g , uint8_t h , uint8_t i , uint8_t j , uint8_t...uint8_t Bits 88-95 of the GUID h uint8_t Bits 96-103 of the GUID...
  7. FieldPageRef class | Aspose.Words for Python

    aspose.words.fields.FieldPageRef class. Implements tHe PAGEREF field...assertEqual ( " PAGEREF MyBookmark3 \\ h" , ExField . insert_field_page_ref...assertEqual ( " PAGEREF MyBookmark1 \\ h \\ p" , ExField . insert_field_page_ref...
  8. FieldPageRef | Aspose.Words for Java

    Implements tHe PAGEREF field in Java....assertEquals(" PAGEREF MyBookmark3 \\h", insertFieldPageRef(builder,...assertEquals(" PAGEREF MyBookmark1 \\h \\p", insertFieldPageRef(builder...
  9. Aspose::Words::Fields::ToaCategories Class Refe...

    Represents a table of autHorities categories....1 \\h" , nullptr ); builder->InsertField(u "TOA \\c 2 \\h" , nullptr...Words.Cpp/Fields/ToaCategories.h > Inheritance diagram for Asp...

    META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.8.0_144 (Oracle Corporation) Name: classes.jar SHA-256-Digest: bqjv0qYe0MyOkYiOZuR3///veSjUff5oDdA= Name: res/values/values.xml SHA-256-Dige......h); public String e(String); public...i { public static final char h = 101; public static final char...