Base class for custom document visitors in Java.... visitFormField(FormFieldformField) Called when a form field...CONTINUE; } /// /// Called when a FormField is encountered in the document...
Aspose::Words::Fields::DropDownItemCollection::Add method. Adds a string to the end of the collection in C++....u "Three" }); SharedPtr < FormField > comboBoxField = builder...Save ( ArtifactsDir + u "FormFields.DropDownItemCollecti.html"...
Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormCheckBox class. Implements the FORMCHECKBOX field in C#....legacy equivalents of the FormField. We can read, but not create...
Aspose.Words .NET Hot Fix Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes.... 1224 - FormField.SetTextInputValue should keep...formatting of the current FormField value text. 1531 - Table name...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldFormDropDown class. Implements the FORMDROPDOWN field. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....legacy equivalents of the FormField. We can read, but not create...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldFormCheckBox class. Implements the FORMCHECKBOX field. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....legacy equivalents of the FormField. We can read, but not create...