Aspose::Words::Fields::GeneralFormatCollection::Add method. Adds a general Format to the collection in C++....Aspose::Words::Fields::GeneralFormatCollect::Add method Contents...collection. void Aspose :: Words :: Fields :: GeneralFormatCollect ::...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol::get_DontAffectsLineSpacing method. Gets or sets whether the character retrieved by the Field affects the line spacing of the paragraph in C++....Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol::get_DontAffectsLineSpaci...character retrieved by the field affects the line spacing of...
Provides data for the MergeField event in Java....merge when a simple mail merge field is encountered in the document...that handles merge data in the form of HTML documents. public void...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol::get_IsAnsi method. Gets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of an ANSI character in C++....Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol::get_IsAnsi method Contents...character. bool Aspose :: Words :: Fields :: FieldSymbol :: get_IsAnsi...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol::get_IsUnicode method. Gets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of a Unicode character in C++....Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol::get_IsUnicode method Contents...character. bool Aspose :: Words :: Fields :: FieldSymbol :: get_IsUnicode...
DocumentVisitor.visit_Form_Field method. Called when a FormField is encountered in the document....visit_form_field method visit_form_field(form_field) Called when...when a formfield is encountered in the document. def visit_form_field...
Implements a SYMBOL Field....all members Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldSymbol Class Reference...SYMBOL field. Examples Shows how to use the SYMBOL field. auto...
Class for representing Field properties....FormFieldFacade Class for representing field properties. Constructors Constructor...Description FormFieldFacade() FieldsField Description BORDER_WIDTH_UNDIFIED...
Represents type of trend line...Represents type of trend line FieldsField Description exponential curve in the form. Linear Specifies the trendline...
How to insert, obtain, move, show or hide bookmarks using Python.... Badly formed bookmarks or bookmarks with...document are assigned to formfields. Moving to such a bookmark...