FontsLoader FontsLoader class Class for loading custom Fonts defined by user. Should be used before creating any pres......class Class for loading custom fonts defined by user. Should be used...Name Description load_external_fonts(directories) Adds additional...
Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs class. Font configs for each Workbook object... IndividualFontConfig class Font configs for each Workbook object...containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not...
Represents an absorber object of Fonts....absorber object of fonts. Performs search for fonts and provides results via FontAbsorber.Fonts collection. Constructors Constructor...
Font configs for each Diagram./diagram object....IndividualFontConfig IndividualFontConfig class Font configs for each Diagram object...SetFontFolder (string, bool) Sets the fonts folder SetFontFolders (string[]...
Public Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::FontFallBackRule Class Reference Represents font fallba...... Class Reference Represents font fallback rule More... #include...override Gets the number of fonts actually defined for range....
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java Api classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....FontFallBackRule FontFallBackRulesCol Fonts FontScheme FontsLoader FontsManager...implements IFontsManager Manages fonts across the presentation. Method...
Detailed explanation & examples that helps developers integrate Visio File Processing features in their own Java applications....FloatPointNumCollect FolderFontSource Font FontCollection FontConfigs FontSourceBase...extends java.lang.Object Specifies font settings Constructor Summary...
Aspose::Words::DocumentBase::get_FontInfos method. Provides access to properties of Fonts used in this document in C++....Provides access to properties of fonts used in this document. System...SharedPtr < Aspose :: Words :: Fonts :: FontInfoCollection > Aspose...
All Classes Packages com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.bmp com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.common com.aspose.cad.jasperreport......Represents enumeration of the font embedding rules. Enum Constant...Description FullEmbedding Fully embed fonts into the PDF document without...