How to make characters in an image thicker using Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET to improve recognition accuracy....provides a special processing filter called dilation that can increase...image through dilate processing filter. # Instantiate Aspose.OCR API...
WhereIntersects Contents [ Hide ] FeaturesSequence.WhereIntersects method (1 of 3) Filters features based on the unio......WhereIntersects method (1 of 3) Filters features based on the union...WhereIntersects method (2 of 3) Filters features based on the provided...
How to straighten a rotated image using Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET to improve recognition accuracy....through auto_skew processing filter. # Instantiate Aspose.OCR API...processing filters = PreprocessingFilter () filters . add ( PreprocessingFilter...
How to convert source images to grayscale using Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET before recognition....results of other processing filters, such as automatic deskewing...performed when applying the median filter . Grayscale conversion To convert...
A summary of recent changes, enhancements and bug fixes in Aspose.OCR for Java 22.7 (July 2022) release....Added image noise reduction filter. New feature OCRJAVA-258 Added...Added image skew correction filter. New feature Public API changes...
How to automatically increase image contrast using Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET to improve recognition accuracy....contrast_correction_filter processing filter. # Instantiate Aspose...processing filters = PreprocessingFilter () filters . add ( PreprocessingFilter...
AutoFilter class AutoFilter class Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet. The AutoFilter type exposes t...... show_filter_button Indicates whether the...visible. filter_columns Gets the collection of the filter columns...
The namespace contains PSD file format entities contained in layers....AddNoiseSmartFilter The AddNoise smart filter. GaussianBlurSmartFil The GaussianBlur...GaussianBlur smart filter. SmartFilter The class to process a...