Find answer to scan images for text, extract text from images, Ocr images, and read text line by line in code....OCR Product Family Aspose.Note Product...Family Aspose.OCR Product Family Find answer by Aspose.OCR Platforms...
The median filter run through each element of the image and replace each pixel with the median of its neighboring pixels....OCR.Models.PreprocessingFilters assembly Aspose.OCR Invert...Invert Resize English Русский 简体中文...
Gets or sets angle in degrees for image rotation. Setting this value will disable the AutoSkewaspose.Ocr/recognitionsettings/autoskew property so that auto skew correction is not applied. Zero by default....OCR assembly Aspose.OCR RecognizeSingleLine...RecognizeSingleLine ThreadsCount English Русский 简体中文...
Recognize text from multi-page DJVU image. Recognizes DJVU file with the ability to specify DocumentRecognitionSettingsaspose.Ocr/documentrecognitionsettings. Supports DJVU only. Doesnt supports other image types....OCR assembly Aspose.OCR PreprocessImage RecognizeImage...RecognizeImage English Русский 简体中文...
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether automatic text areas detection should be enabled. Enables Document Structure Recognition module. This takes more time and memory to process an image but provides more accurate results on complex cases. Disable set to false for faster image processing or in case of images with simple structure....OCR assembly Aspose.OCR AutoSkew DetectAreasMode...DetectAreasMode English Русский 简体中文...
Allows to recognize text in the tables regions surrounded lines....OCR assembly Aspose.OCR Language PreprocessingFilters...PreprocessingFilters English Русский 简体中文...
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether automatic text areas detection should be enabled. Enables Document Structure Recognition module. This takes more time and memory to process an image but provides more accurate results on complex cases. Disable set to false for faster image processing or in case of images with simple structure....OCR assembly Aspose.OCR AutoSkew DetectAreasMode...DetectAreasMode English Русский 简体中文...
Create a binary image based on setting a threshold value on the pixel intensity of the original image....OCR.Models.PreprocessingFilters assembly Aspose.OCR Scale...Scale ToGrayscale English Русский 简体中文...