Python source code To Add PDF Text annotations on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...
Python source code To remove Caret annotations from PDF on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...
Python source code To remove Link annotations from PDF on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...
Python source code To Add PDF Watermark annotations on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...
Python source code To remove Text annotations from PDF on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...
Python source code To get all Text annotations from PDF on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...
Python source code To Add PDF FreeText annotations on any platform with .NET support....TXT, HTML, PCL, XFA, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX, Images and more formats...