Sample Java conversion code for VDW format to XPS file. Use this example code to convert VDW to XPS within any Web or Desktop Java based application....a Web drawing. A web drawing is a collection of drawing pages...rendered as a vector or raster drawing. VDW files can be opened in...
Sample Java conversion code for VDX format to XAML file. Use this example code to convert VDX to XAML within any Web or Desktop Java based application.... Any drawing or chart created in Microsoft...have .VDX extension. A Visio drawing XML file is created in Visio...
Draws the specified line using the specified pen....SharedPtr<Pen>&, Point, Point) method Draws the specified line using the...specified pen. void System :: Drawing :: Graphics :: DrawLine ( const...
Returns the string representation of the pair of X and Y coordinates values represented by the current object.... String System :: Drawing :: Point :: ToString () const...Class Point Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides GetHashCode()...
Returns a RegionData object containing data that defines the region represented by the current object....:: RegionData > System :: Drawing :: Region :: GetRegionData...Class Region Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides MakeEmpty()...
Returns the string representation of the pair of width and hegiht values represented by the current object....System :: String System :: Drawing :: SizeF :: ToString () const...Class SizeF Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides ToSize()...
Returns a Color object that represents the color of the text in the title bar of the active window.... static Color System :: Drawing :: SystemColors :: get_ActiveCaptionText...SystemColors Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_ActiveCaption()...
Sets the value of width represented by the current object.... void System :: Drawing :: SizeF :: set_Width ( float...Class SizeF Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Height()...
Returns a shared pointer to an ImageFormat object that represents the format of a bitmap in memory....static ImageFormatPtr System :: Drawing :: Imaging :: ImageFormat ::...ImageFormat Namespace System::Drawing::Imaging Library Aspose.Slides...