ImageOrPrintOptions property. Gets or sets the vertical resolution for generated images in Dots per inch. Applies generating image method except Emf format image...resolution for generated images, in dots per inch. Applies generating...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....pen has alternating dashes and dots. static short Dashdotdot The...and double dots. static short Dot The pen is dotted. static short...
Returns a Resolutionaspose.html.drawing/resolution object that is represented in Dots per centimeters....object that is represented in dots per centimeters. public static...
Returns a Resolutionaspose.svg.drawing/resolution object that is represented in Dots per inch....object that is represented in dots per inch. public static Resolution...
Resolution ImageSaveOptions.Resolution property Gets or sets the resolution for the generated images, in Dots per inc......for the generated images, in dots per inch. public float Resolution...
QualitySettings property. Allows engine to recognize barcodes with salt and paper noise type. Mode can remove small noise with white and black Dots...small noise with white and black dots. public bool AllowSaltAndPaperFil...
Detailed explanation of each class & method of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java library. Integrate presentation processing features in your own apps....the horizontal resolution in dots per inch. long getDpiY () Specifies...Specifies the vertical resolution in dots per inch. Size getImageSize...
Resolution HTMLSaveOptions.Resolution property Gets or sets the resolution for the generated html, in Dots per inch. ......resolution for the generated html, in dots per inch. public int Resolution...
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in TIFF format....the horizontal resolution in dots per inch. Read/write UInt32...Specifies the vertical resolution in dots per inch. Read/write UInt32...
Specifies the style of a dashed line.... Dot 2 A line consisting of dots. DashDot 3 A dash-dot line...line. DashDotDot 4 A dash-dot-dot line. Custom 5 Custom dash style...