RatesFrom Rate.RatesFrom property Gets or sets the Date when a rate becomes effective. public DateTime RatesFrom { ge......RatesFrom property Gets or sets the date when a rate becomes effective...
Returns the Date when a presentation was printed last time. Read/write DateTime....LastPrinted property Returns the date when a presentation was printed...
Returns the Date a presentation was created. Values are in UTC. Read/write DateTime....CreatedTime property Returns the date a presentation was created....
Represents the major unit scale for the Date axis. Read/write TimeUnitTypeaspose.slides.charts/timeunittype....the major unit scale for the date axis. Read/write TimeUnitType...
TimeOfClick O365URLTimeOfClickActivity.TimeOfClick property The Date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) whe......TimeOfClick property The date and time in Coordinated Universal...
Current Date and time in a tenth predefined format (hh:mm for english). Read-only FieldType....FieldType::get_DateTime10() method Current date and time in a tenth predefined...
Current Date and time in a thirteenth predefined format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM for english). Read-only FieldType....FieldType::get_DateTime13() method Current date and time in a thirteenth predefined...
LateFinish Tsk.LateFinish field The latest Date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project. pu......LateFinish field The latest date that a task can finish without...