Gets the Dom name....Name property Gets the DOM name. public string Name { get...DOMNameAttribute namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom.Attributes assembly Aspose.SVG...
Specifies a Dom object can be assigned null value....DOMNullableAttribute class Specifies a DOM object can be assigned null value...See Also namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom.Attributes assembly Aspose.SVG...
The type of control created all lower case. See the type attribute definition in HTML 4.01. version Dom Level 2... @version DOM Level 2 public string Type {...
Learn how to navigate HTML and inspect its elements using C#, about custom filter, CSS Selector, or XPath usage.... The DOM is a document model loaded in...comment). We consider how the DOM represents an HTML document in...
If add update remove Inline Xbrl elements in the Dom tree this method should be called to refresh inline xbrl objects....Inline Xbrl elements in the DOM tree, this method should be called...
A code representing the type of this result as defined by the http// XPathResultTypeaspose.svg.Dom.xpath/xpathresulttype namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom.XPath assembly Aspose.SVG NumberValue...
The document this frame contains if there is any and it is available or null otherwise. since Dom Level 2... @since DOM Level 2 public HTMLDocument ContentDocument...
Import RTF document using custom markup load options in Java....Words DOM as a CustomXmlMarkup node. You...represented in Aspose.Words DOM as a SmartTag node. See the following...