Type DgnTagValue.Type property Gets or sets tag type public DgnTagType Type { get ; set ; } See Also enum DgnTagType ......Dgn assembly Aspose.CAD StringValue...
YLow DgnElementDimension.YLow property Gets or sets low value by Y axis public uint YLow { get ; set ; } See Also cla......Dgn assembly Aspose.CAD YHigh ZHigh...
XLow DgnElementDimension.XLow property Gets or sets low value by X axis public uint XLow { get ; set ; } See Also cla......Dgn assembly Aspose.CAD XHigh YHigh...
IsSnapable DgnElementProperties.IsSnapable property Gets a value indicating whether element could be snapped public b......Dgn assembly Aspose.CAD IsPlanar...
XScale DgnCellHeaderElement.XScale property Gets cell’s x scale public double XScale { get ; } See Also class DgnCell......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
TotalLength DgnCompoundElement.TotalLength property Gets or sets total length of data of related elements public usho......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
LengthMultiplier DgnTextElement.LengthMultiplier property Gets or sets char width in master units public double Lengt......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
KeyPointSnapDivisor DgnRootElement.KeyPointSnapDivisor property Gets key point snap divisor public short KeyPointSnap......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
Knot DgnSurfaceElement.Knot property Gets or sets knot public DgnSplineKnotElement Knot { get ; } See Also class DgnS......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...