aspose.words.lists.ListTrailingCharacter enumeration. Specifies the character that separates the list label from the text of the paragraph....Examples Shows how to apply custom list formatting to paragraphs...Microsoft Word template, and customize the first two of its list...
aspose.words.Style class. Represents a single built-in or user-defined style... font Gets the character formatting...Shows how to create and apply a custom style. doc = aw . Document...
Aspose::Words::Saving::FontSavingArgs::get_KeepFontStreamOpen method. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving a Font in or close it after saving a font. bool Aspose :: Words :: Saving...FontStream property after writing a font into it. Specify true to keep...
Provides a set of pre-created Font objects that represent Fonts used to display text in Windows display elements. This is a static type with no instance services. You should never create instances of it by any means....of pre-created Font objects that represent fonts used to display...purposes only. static SharedPtr < Font > get_CaptionFont () NOT IMPLEMENTED...
Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel class. Defines formatting for a list level in C#....CustomNumberStyleFor { get; } Gets the custom number style format for this...example: “a, ç, ĝ, …”. Font { get; } Specifies character...
ListLevel NumberPosition property. Returns or sets the position in points of the number or bullet for the list level in C#....Examples Shows how to apply custom list formatting to paragraphs...Microsoft Word template, and customize the first two of its list...
List ListLevels property. Gets the collection of list levels for this list in C#....Examples Shows how to apply custom list formatting to paragraphs...Microsoft Word template, and customize the first two of its list...
Aspose::Words::Saving::FontSavingArgs::get_FontFileName method. Gets or sets the file name (without path) where the Font will be saved to in (without path) where the font will be saved to. System ::...allows you to redefine how the font file names are generated during...
Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontSubstitutionSettings::get_TableSubstitution method. Settings related to table substitution rule in C++....Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontSubstitutionSett::get_TableSubstitution...SharedPtr < Aspose :: Words :: Fonts :: TableSubstitutionRul > Aspose...