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case sensitive

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  1. IF condition value is case sensitive post aspos...

    ‘IF’ condition value ‘True’ and ‘TRUE’ is working fine in aspose word java 15.11 jar. While upgrade the jar 22.12 then faced following issue TRUE’ is not working when used inside the ‘IF’ condition in the template doc…...IF condition value is case sensitive post aspose word 15.11 jar...not case sensitive in 15.11 Jar. Now it is case sensitive 22.12...
  2. ReportingEngine with JsonDataSource case sensit...

    Hi everyone, When I use the JsonDataSource with the Reporting engine, first level properties are not Case Sensitive but nested array or Object property name are Case Sensitive. Is it normal? Is there a way to ignore ca…...ReportingEngine with JsonDataSource case sensitivity Aspose.Words Product Family...level properties are not case sensitive but nested array or Object...
  3. Culture-sensitive points format - Aspose.Diagra...

    Hello, Converting vsd file to svg and noticed some inconsistency. I get different results when my system’s language English and Russian. please inspect attached file. Seems to only be a problem for polygon`s points valu…...Culture-sensitive points format Aspose.Diagram Product further investigate this case. We will look into its details...
  4. ITextHighlightingOptions | Aspose.Slides for An...

    Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame....getCaseSensitive() Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...value) Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...
  5. ITextHighlightingOptions | Aspose.Slides for Ja...

    Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame....getCaseSensitive() Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...value) Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...
  6. TextHighlightingOptions | Aspose.Slides for And...

    Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame....getCaseSensitive() Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...value) Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...
  7. TextHighlightingOptions | Aspose.Slides for Jav...

    Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame....getCaseSensitive() Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...value) Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...
  8. Filter Messages from Server using IMAP Client |...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....the capability to apply case-sensitive searching criteria to match...“newsletter” in the subject. Case-Sensitive Emails Filtering The following...
  9. Filter Messages from Server using IMAP Client|D...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....the capability to apply case-sensitive searching criteria to match...“newsletter” in the subject. Case-Sensitive Emails Filtering The following...
  10. TextHighlightingOptions | Aspose.Sildes for PHP...

    TextHighlightingOptions TextHighlightingOptions class Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text ......getCaseSensitive () Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...(boolean) Set true to use case-sensitive search, false - otherwise...