DropDownItemCollection.contains method. Determines whether the collection contains the specified value....Type Description value str Case-sensitive value to locate. Returns...
Search documents including Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Excel, Word, PDF, and more via your C++ based application....’true’ parameter indicating case-sensitive matching. Finally, it saves...
Explanation of Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java classes, methods & interfaces for you to read, write & convert spreadsheets programmatically....the searched string is casesensitive. function getFontSettings...the searched string is casesensitive. getMatchEntireCellCo/...
CustomXmlPropertyCollection IndexOfKey method. Returns the zerobased index of the specified property in the collection in C#....Description name String The case-sensitive name of the property. Return...
CustomXmlPropertyCollection Remove method. Removes a property with the specified name from the collection in C#....Description name String The case-sensitive name of the property. Examples...
CustomXmlPropertyCollection.index_of_key method. Returns the zero-based index of the specified property in the collection....Description name str The case-sensitive name of the property. Returns...
Aspose::Words::Fields::DropDownItemCollection::Contains method. Determines whether the collection contains the specified value in C++....value const System::String& Case-sensitive value to locate. ReturnValue...
Aspose::Words::Fields::DropDownItemCollection::IndexOf method. Returns the zero-based index of the specified value in the collection in C++....const System::String& The case-sensitive value to locate. ReturnValue...