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  1. Page numbers are not getting displayed in the p...

    We are using aspose.word to generate pdf from html string in our project. We have used the ‘page-break-after: always’ Css property and because of this page number and footer are not getting displayed on few pages of pdf.…...the pdf when page-break-after css is used Aspose.Words Product...the ‘page-break-after: always’ css property and because of this...
  2. HTML Table with CSS border color converting as ...

    When importing an HTML document with a very simple table with one row/column in it that has a specific color in the Css, using Aspose to create the Word Document for this - we always end up with a border color of black a…...HTML Table with CSS border color converting as black-border,...has a specific color in the CSS, using Aspose to create the Word...
  3. Issue with inline css , styles ignored in aspos...

    facing the issue with aspose word , it is ignoring style applied to table td . style width is not applied to the table td. Below is html code , when tried to load it word document and save it aspose word ignoring the s…...Issue with inline css , styles ignored in aspose word Aspose...using this code , it applies the css for the column but the table...
  4. CSS left-margin of paragraph starts at page edg...

    Hi there We use a word template HTML formated text style attribute padding-left (indent) <p style="padding-left: 40px;">Test</p> The paragraph in which we insert the HTML text is already indented (Word template) We…...CSS left-margin of paragraph starts at page edge Aspose.Words...
  5. HTML to PDF throws exception on background-atta...

    Using Aspose.PDF .NET 10.6.0 it throws an exception if the attribute "background-attachment: initial;" is defined. Repro:new Document(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes("test.html")), new HtmlLoadOptions()) Are there an…...background-attachment: initial; CSS style attribute Aspose.PDF Product...
  6. CSS and inline styling ignored in PDF generatio...

    Hi, I am using Aspose.Words version 23.8.0 and attempting to generate a PDF from HTML. This seems to be working well, except that a lot of styling is ignored. I have the following style block in my HTML: <style> …...CSS and inline styling ignored in PDF generation Aspose.Words...
  7. Convert from HTML to PDF - CSS word-break: brea...

    Version 23.4.0 Software: Aspose.PDF .net When converting from HTML to PDF, word-break: break-word with extra long text and no space will overflow instead of wrap around. Online version with the same html does not have …...Convert from HTML to PDF - CSS word-break: break-word does not...
  8. Css width property not respected when convertin...

    Hi I have an html document and I want to convert it to docx or pdf. It seems that this conversion ignores some styles among them width style Here is an HTML snippet: <div> <p style=" border: black solid 1…...Css width property not respected when converting html to docx...
  9. HtmlFixedSaveOptions.export_embedded_css proper...

    HtmlFixedSaveOptions.export_embedded_Css property. Specifies whether the Css (Cascading Style Sheet) should be embedded into Html document....export_embedded_css property HtmlFixedSaveOptions.export_embedded_css Specifies whether the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) should...
  10. HtmlSaveOptions.css_style_sheet_file_name prope...

    HtmlSaveOptions.Css_style_sheet_file_name property. Specifies the path and the name of the Cascading Style Sheet (Css) file written when a document is exported to HTML...css_style_sheet_file_name property HtmlSaveOptions.css_style_sheet_file_name...of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file written when a document...