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  1. FontFaceTypes | Aspose.Note for .NET API Reference

    Gets or sets the font face types....format with storing all resources(css/fonts/images) to a separate files...with embedding of all resources(css/fonts/images). string dataDir...
  2. HtmlSaveOptions.CssClassNamePrefix | Aspose.Wor...

    HtmlSaveOptions 财产. 指定添加到所有 Css 类名的前缀 默认值为空字符串生成的 Css 类名没有公共前缀 指定添加到所有 CSS 类名的前缀。 默认值为空字符串,生成的 CSS 类名没有公共前缀。 public...该值不为空,并且不是有效的 CSS 标识符。 评论 如果此值不为空,Aspose.Words 生成的所有 CSS 类都将以指定的前缀开头。...
  3. HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetType | Aspose.Word...

    HtmlSaveOptions CssStyleSheetType property. Specifies how Css Cascading Style Sheet styles are exported to HTML MHTML or EPUB. Default value is Inline for HTML/MHTML and External for EPUB in C#....CssStyleSheetType property Specifies how CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) styles...get ; set ; } Remarks Saving CSS style sheet into an external...
  4. ICssSavingCallback.CssSaving | Aspose.Words for...

    ICssSavingCallback 方法. 在 Aspose.Words 保存 Css层叠样式表时调用...Words 保存 CSS(层叠样式表)时调用。 public void CssSaving...args ) 例子 展示如何使用 HTML 转换创建的 CSS 样式表。 public void ExternalCssFilenames...
  5. Aspose::Words::Saving::CssSavingArgs::get_KeepC...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::CssSavingArgs::get_KeepCssStreamOpen method. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving an Css information in C++....or close it after saving an CSS information. bool Aspose :: Words...CssStream property after writing an CSS information into it. Specify...
  6. CssStyleSheetType enumeration | Aspose.Words fo...

    aspose.words.saving.CssStyleSheetType enumeration. Specifies how Css (Cascading Style Sheet) styles are exported to HTML....CssStyleSheetType enumeration Specifies how CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) styles...Members Name Description INLINE CSS styles are written inline (as...
  7. Aspose.Words for Android 17.2.0 Release Notes|A...

    Aspose.Words for Android 17.2.0 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....images, fonts, and external CSS are saved when a document ///...cref="FontsFolder"/>, while images and CSS /// will be saved to <see cr...
  8. Html to PDF: Convert/Substitute Hex in Html to ...

    Since Css doesn’t support CMYK natively, we are having to define all of our Css colors as Hex. We would like the colors in the PDF to show as CMYK. From my understanding, there is no true reliable way to convert from He…...January 24, 2024, 9:05pm 1 Since css doesn’t support CMYK natively...having to define all of our css colors as Hex. We would like...
  9. HTML Export - Style Features|Aspose.Words for Java

    Export to HTML-based format using style saving features in Java....type itself is not exported to CSS but it is implied by the specific...styles as inline CSS (style), embedded or linked CSS style sheet (class)...
  10. ICssSavingCallback | Aspose.Words for Java API 参考

    如果您想在将文档保存为 HTML 时控制 Aspose.Words 如何保存 Css 层叠样式表,请实现此接口。...Words 在将文档保存为 HTML 时如何保存 CSS(层叠样式表),请实现此接口。 方法 方法 描述 cssSaving(CssSavingArgs...rgs args) 当 Aspose.Words 保存 CSS(级联样式表)时调用。 cssSaving(CssSavingArgs...