FillRectangles Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.FillRectangles method (1 of 2) Fills the interiors of a series of rectangle......public void FillRectangles ( Brushbrush , Rectangle [] rects ) Parameter...Parameter Type Description brushBrushBrush that determines the characteristics...
填充Regionaspose.imaging/region的内部...FillRegion ( Brushbrush , Region region ) 范围 类型 描述 brushBrush Brush...ArgumentNullExceptio brush 为空。 -或- region 为空。 也可以看看 class Brush class Region...
FillPath Graphics.FillPath method Fills the interior of a GraphicsPath. public void FillPath ( BrushBrush , Graphics...... public void FillPath ( Brushbrush , GraphicsPath path ) Parameter...Parameter Type Description brushBrushBrush that determines the characteristics...
FillEllipse Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.FillEllipse method (1 of 2) Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a boun......public void FillEllipse ( Brushbrush , RectangleF rect ) Parameter...Parameter Type Description brushBrushBrush that determines the characteristics...
Constructs a new Pen object representing the specified color....constructed Pen::Pen(const SharedPtr<Brush>&) constructor Constructs a...initializes it with the specified Brush object. System :: Drawing ::...
FillRectangle Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.FillRectangle method (1 of 2) Fills the interior of a rectangle specified by......public void FillRectangle ( Brushbrush , float x , float y , float...Parameter Type Description brushBrushBrush that determines the characteristics...