Represents the save options for csv/tab delimited/other text format....notifyAll() setAlwaysQuoted(boolean value) Indicates whether always...some large data. setClearData(boolean value) Make the workbook empty...
The FontInfo represents font-related style information for a web control.....notify() notifyAll() setBold(boolean value) set whether the font...font is bold.. setItalic(boolean value) set whether the font is...
Represents find options....notifyAll() setCaseSensitive(boolean value) Indicates if the searched...sensitive. setConvertNumericDat(boolean value) Sets a value that indicates...
Optional black slide transition effect.... setFromBlack(boolean value) This attribute specifies...getFromBlack() public abstract boolean getFromBlack() This attribute...
SVGOptions SVGOptions class Represents an SVG options. SVGOptions Name Description SVGOptions() Initializes a new ins......getDeletePicturesCro () A boolean flag indicates if the a larger file) Result: boolean getDisable3DText Name Description...
Represents Out/Ref constructions for Boolean primitive type in Java....Out/Ref constructions for Boolean primitive type Constructors...Constructor Description RefBoolean(boolean value) Mimics Out/Ref parameter...
Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text frame.... setCaseSensitive(boolean value) Set true to use case-sensitive...otherwise. setWholeWordsOnly(boolean value) Set true to match only...
Class is designed for use in Swing applications....enable() enable(boolean arg0) enableInputMethods(boolean arg0) equals(Object...firePropertyChange(String arg0, boolean arg1, boolean arg2) firePropertyChange(String...