AztecParameters property. Used to instruct the reader to interpret the data contained within the symbol as programming for reader initialization...BarCode.Generation assembly Aspose.BarCode AztecParameters...
Pdf417ExtendedParameters property. Used to instruct the reader to interpret the data contained within the symbol as programming for reader initialization...BarCode.BarCodeRecognition assembly Aspose.BarCode Pdf417ExtendedParame...
DataMatrixParametersUI property. Protocol for Macro characters in the first position ECC 200 only...BarCode.Windows.Forms assembly Aspose.BarCode DataMatrixParameters...
DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder method. Adds FNC3 symbol separator to the extended codetext items...BarCode.Generation assembly Aspose.BarCode DotCodeExtCodetextBu...
DataMatrixParameters property. Gets or sets a Datamatrix symbol size. Default value DataMatrixVersion.Auto...BarCode.Generation assembly Aspose.BarCode DataMatrixParameters...