Accepts AnnotationSelectoraspose.pdf.annotations/annotationselector visitor object that provides functionality to work with annotations....Pdf assembly Aspose.PDF Accept(ImagePlacementAbsorb)...PageCollection namespace Aspose.Pdf assembly Aspose.PDF Accept(TextFragmentAbsorber)...
Saves the document to mpp file format using the specified save options....Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Save(string,...Project namespace Aspose.Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Save(string,...
Assembly Version...AssemblyVersion field Assembly Version public const string...BuildVersionInfo namespace Aspose.Pub assembly Aspose.PUB BuildVersionInfo...
TimeoutException Contents [ Hide ] TimeoutException constructor (1 of 5) Initializes a new instance of the TimeoutExc......Email assembly Aspose.Email TimeoutException...TimeoutException namespace Aspose.Email assembly Aspose.Email TimeoutException...
Save Contents [ Hide ] StreamContainer.Save method (1 of 6) Saves (copies) the stream’s data to the specified stream.......PSD assembly Aspose.PSD StreamContainer...StreamContainer namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD StreamContainer...