Init CadParameter.Init method (1 of 4) public abstract void Init ( object value ) See Also class CadParameter namespa......CadParameters assembly Aspose.CAD CadParameter.Init...FileFormats.Cad.CadParameters assembly Aspose.CAD CadParameter.Init...
DeleteMessages Contents [ Hide ] ImapClient.DeleteMessages method (1 of 32) Marks a message with the specified sequen......Imap assembly Aspose.Email ImapClient.DeleteMessages...Aspose.Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email ImapClient.DeleteMessages...
License License() function Initializes a new instance of this class. In this example, an attempt will be made to find......calling assembly, in the folder of the entry assembly and then...embedded resources of the calling assembly. Result License...
Licenses the component....contains the Aspose component assembly. The folder that contains...contains the client’s calling assembly. The folder that contains the...
License method. Licenses the library...contains the Aspose component assembly. The folder that contains...contains the client’s calling assembly. The folder that contains the...
Provides methods to license the component....calling assembly, in the folder of the entry assembly and then...embedded resources of the calling assembly. [C#] License license = new...
Provides methods to license the component....calling assembly, in the folder of the entry assembly and then...embedded resources of the calling assembly. [C#] License license = new...
SetLicense Contents [ Hide ] License.SetLicense method (1 of 2) Licenses the component. public void SetLicense ( stri......component assembly. The folder of the client’s calling assembly. The...The folder of the entry assembly. An embedded resource in the client’s...
SetLicense Contents [ Hide ] License.SetLicense method (1 of 2) Licenses the component. public void SetLicense ( stri......component assembly. The folder of the client’s calling assembly. The...The folder of the entry assembly. An embedded resource in the client’s...