Worksheet method. Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet...Cells assembly Aspose.Cells FreezePanes(string...Worksheet namespace Aspose.Cells assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
OleObjectCollection method. Adds an OleObject to the collection...Drawing assembly Aspose.Cells Add(int, int...namespace Aspose.Cells.Drawing assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
Cells method. Exports data in the Cells collection to a DataTable object...Cells assembly Aspose.Cells ExportDataTableAsStr(int...Cells namespace Aspose.Cells assembly Aspose.Cells English Русский...
Creates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts for this rule....Slides assembly Aspose.Slides ToArray(int...IFontFallBackRule namespace Aspose.Slides assembly Aspose.Slides RemoveAt English...