CadException CadException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the CadException class. public CadExcept......ImageFormats assembly Aspose.CAD CadException constructor...CadExceptions.ImageFormats assembly Aspose.CAD English Русский...
EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 EmfMetafileHeaderExtension2 constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the EmfMet......Records assembly Aspose.Imaging EmfMetafileHeaderExt...FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records assembly Aspose.Imaging EmfHeaderExtension2...
Dimensions Dimensions constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the Dimensions class. public Dimensions () S......Dimensions assembly Aspose.Imaging Dimensions...Xmp.Types.Complex.Dimensions assembly Aspose.Imaging Height English...
FbxImageException FbxImageException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the FbxImageException class. p......Fbx assembly Aspose.CAD FbxImageException...Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Fbx assembly Aspose.CAD English Русский...
FirstOrDefault IfcCollection.FirstOrDefault method (1 of 2) Firsts the or default. public T FirstOrDefault ( IfcPr......Ifc assembly Aspose.CAD IfcCollection<T>...Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Ifc assembly Aspose.CAD Contains GetEnumerator...
ObserverPoint ObserverPoint constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the ObserverPoint class with default r......FileFormats assembly Aspose.CAD ObserverPoint constructor...namespace Aspose.CAD.FileFormats assembly Aspose.CAD AngleRotateX English...