Warp Contents [ Hide ] GraphicsPath.Warp method (1 of 4) Applies a warp transform, defined by a rectangle and a paral......PSD assembly Aspose.PSD GraphicsPath.Warp...GraphicsPath namespace Aspose.PSD assembly Aspose.PSD GraphicsPath.Warp...
Warp Contents [ Hide ] GraphicsPath.Warp method (1 of 4) Applies a warp transform, defined by a rectangle and a paral......Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging GraphicsPath...GraphicsPath namespace Aspose.Imaging assembly Aspose.Imaging GraphicsPath...
SetSource Contents [ Hide ] Bzip2Archive.SetSource method (1 of 4) Sets the content to be compressed within the archi......Bzip2 assembly Aspose.Zip Bzip2Archive.SetSource...namespace Aspose.Zip.Bzip2 assembly Aspose.Zip Bzip2Archive.SetSource...
ExifData Contents [ Hide ] ExifData constructor (1 of 3) Initializes a new instance of the ExifData class. public Exi......Exif assembly Aspose.PSD ExifData constructor...namespace Aspose.PSD.Exif assembly Aspose.PSD ExifData constructor...
Biedt methoden om de component te licentiëren....aanroepende assembly bevat, in de map van de entry-assembly en vervolgens...bronnen van de oproepende assembly. [C#] License license = new...
JpegExifData Contents [ Hide ] JpegExifData constructor (1 of 3) Initializes a new instance of the JpegExifData class......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging JpegExifData...namespace Aspose.Imaging.Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging JpegExifData...