Cell method. Sets an array formula to a range of cells...Cells assembly Aspose.Cells SetArrayFormula(string...Cell namespace Aspose.Cells assembly Aspose.Cells SetArrayFormula(string...
PivotTable method. Sets manual field group by the PivotTable...Pivot assembly Aspose.Cells SetManualGroupField(PivotField...namespace Aspose.Cells.Pivot assembly Aspose.Cells SetManualGroupField(int...
GridPivotTableCollection method. Adds a new PivotTable cache to a PivotCaches collection...Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop Add(Worksheet...Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Data assembly Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop Add(string...
Splits Pdf file from first page to specified locationand saves the front part as a new file....Facades assembly Aspose.PDF SplitFromFirst(Stream...namespace Aspose.Pdf.Facades assembly Aspose.PDF SplitFromFirst(string...
MarkAsJunk Contents [ Hide ] IEWSClient.MarkAsJunk method (1 of 5) The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the j......WebService assembly Aspose.Email IEWSClient.MarkAsJunk...Clients.Exchange.WebService assembly Aspose.Email IEWSClient.MarkAsJunk...
Assembly Version...AssemblyVersion field Assembly Version public const string...BuildVersionInfo namespace Aspose.Pub assembly Aspose.PUB BuildVersionInfo...
Inflate Rectangle.Inflate method (1 of 3) public static Rectangle Inflate ( Rectangle rect , int x , int y ) See Also......CAD assembly Aspose.CAD Rectangle.Inflate...Rectangle namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD Rectangle.Inflate...
XmpInteger XmpInteger constructor (1 of 3) public XmpInteger ( long value ) See Also class XmpInteger namespace Aspos......Basic assembly Aspose.CAD XmpInteger constructor...Aspose.CAD.Xmp.Types.Basic assembly Aspose.CAD XmpInteger constructor...