TiffSRational Contents [ Hide ] TiffSRational constructor (1 of 3) Initializes a new instance of the TiffSRational cl......Tiff assembly Aspose.Imaging TiffSRational...Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff assembly Aspose.Imaging TiffSRational...
Initializes a new instance of the CellUnsupportedDataExceptionaspose.slides.spreadsheet/cellunsupporteddataexception class....Spreadsheet assembly Aspose.Slides CellUnsupportedDataE(string)...Aspose.Slides.Spreadsheet assembly Aspose.Slides CellUnsupportedDataE(string...
Point Point constructor (1 of 3) public Point ( int x , int y ) See Also struct Point namespace Aspose.CAD assembly A......CAD assembly Aspose.CAD Point constructor...Point namespace Aspose.CAD assembly Aspose.CAD Point constructor...