AllEntries WimImage.AllEntries property Gets entries of WimEntry type constituting the image recursively. public IEnu......WimImage namespace Aspose.Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip Parent English...
Entries SevenZipArchive.Entries property Gets entries of SevenZipArchiveEntry type constituting the archive. public R......namespace Aspose.Zip.SevenZip assembly Aspose.Zip SevenZipArchive...
ToString CpioEntry.ToString method public override string ToString () See Also class CpioEntry namespace namespace Aspose.Zip.Cpio assembly Aspose.Zip Open English...
SevenZipPPMdCompressionSettings SevenZipPPMdCompressionSettings class public class SevenZipPPMdCompressionSettings : ...... namespace Aspose.Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip SevenZipEncryptionSe...
Normal XzArchiveSettings.Normal property Gets the instance of the XzArchiveSettings class with dictionary size equals......namespace Aspose.Zip.Xz.Settings assembly Aspose.Zip MaximumCompression...