Border TintAndShade property. Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens a color in C#....Border namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words Border.ThemeColor...
ParagraphFormat FirstLineIndent property. Gets or sets the value in points for a first line or hanging indent in C#....ParagraphFormat namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words ParagraphFormat...
Document AcceptAllRevisions method. Accepts all tracked changes in the document in C#....Document namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words Document.Accept...
ParagraphFormat TabStops property. Gets the collection of custom tab stops defined for this object in C#....ParagraphFormat namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words ParagraphFormat...
TextColumn Width property. Gets or sets the width of the text column in points in C#....TextColumn namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words TextColumn.SpaceAfter...
TextColumnCollection Item property. Returns a text column at the specified index in C#....TextColumnCollection namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words TextColumnCollection...
Document BuiltInDocumentProperties property. Returns a collection that represents all the builtin document properties of the document in C#....Document namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words Document.Bibliography...
Document CustomDocumentProperties property. Returns a collection that represents all the custom document properties of the document in C#....Document namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words Document.Compliance...
Paragraph ListFormat property. Provides access to the list formatting properties of the paragraph in C#....Paragraph namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words Paragraph.IsMoveToRevision...