FieldCollection Clear method. Removes all fields of this collection from the document and from this collection itself in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Fields assembly Aspose.Words FieldCollection...
OdsoFieldMapDataCollection Count property. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Settings assembly Aspose.Words OdsoFieldMapDataColl...
PrinterSettingsContainer DefaultPageSettingsPaperSource property. See PaperSource of DefaultPageSettings in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Rendering assembly Aspose.Words PrinterSettingsConta...
OdsoFieldMapDataCollection Item property. Gets or sets an item in this collection in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Settings assembly Aspose.Words OdsoFieldMapDataColl...
ImageSavingArgs Document property. Gets the document object that is currently being saved in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Saving assembly Aspose.Words ImageSavingArgs...
TxtSaveOptionsBase Encoding property. Specifies the encoding to use when exporting in text formats. Default value is Encoding.UTF8 in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Saving assembly Aspose.Words TxtSaveOptionsBase...
CustomPartCollection Clone method. Makes a deep copy of this collection and its items in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Markup assembly Aspose.Words CustomPartCollection...
LoadOptions ResourceLoadingCallback property. Allows to control how external resources images style sheets are loaded when a document is imported from HTML MHTML in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Loading assembly Aspose.Words LoadOptions...
CustomPart Clone method. Makes a deep enough copy of the object. Does not duplicate the bytes of the Data value in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Markup assembly Aspose.Words CustomPart...