Font Border property. Returns a Border object that specifies border for the font in C#....Font namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words Font.BoldBi Font...
ParagraphCollection Item property. Retrieves a Paragraph at the given index in C#....ParagraphCollection namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words ParagraphCollection...
ChartMultilevelValue GetHashCode method. Gets a hash code for the current multilevel data object in C#....namespace Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts assembly Aspose.Words ChartMultilevelValue...
DocumentBuilder MoveToDocumentStart method. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document in C#....DocumentBuilder namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words DocumentBuilder...
TableStyle ColumnStripe property. Gets or sets a number of columns to include in the banding when the style specifies odd/even columns banding in C#....TableStyle namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words TableStyle.CellSpacing...
SignatureLineOptions SignerTitle property. Gets or sets suggested signers title. Default value for this property is empty string Empty in C#....SignatureLineOptions namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words SignatureLineOptions...
ConditionalStyle Type property. Gets table area to which this conditional style relates in C#....ConditionalStyle namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words ConditionalStyle...
TableStyle ConditionalStyles property. Collection of conditional styles that may be defined for this table style in C#....TableStyle namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words TableStyle.ColumnStripe...