Creates a file at the location specified by the path represented by the current object and opens it for reading and writing, in truncate mode and with no sharing....Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides Open() OpenRead()...
If the cell contains a formula, the value will be updated base on that formula....Aspose::Slides::Charts Library Aspose.Slides set_PresetNumberFormat()...
Moves enumerator to the next element. If no element was referenced before, sets reference to the first element available. If container end was hit, does nothing....System::Collections Library Aspose.Slides get_Current() Reset()...
Get the maximum number of bytes needed to encode a specified number of characters....Namespace System::Text Library Aspose.Slides GetChars() GetMaxCharCount()...
Moves enumerator to the next element. If no element was referenced before, sets reference to the first element available. If container end was hit, does nothing....System::Collections Library Aspose.Slides get_Current()...