Hide Right Edge (default is false) - specifies the hidden or shown state of the right edge of border box....Aspose::Slides::MathText Library Aspose.Slides set_HideLeft() set_HideRight()...
Specifies the vertical justification respect to surrounding text. Possible values are top, bottom, and center. Default: Center...Aspose::Slides::MathText Library Aspose.Slides get_BaseJustification()...
Hide degree When is true, the degree is not shown, as in \\u221A\\uD835\\uDC65...Aspose::Slides::MathText Library Aspose.Slides get_Degree() set_HideDegree()...
Determines whether hidden slides will be exported. The default value is false....Aspose::Slides::Export Library Aspose.Slides set_FrameSize() set_ExportHiddenSlides()...