Determines whether the specified SoftEdge is equal to the current SoftEdge....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides GetEffective() GetHashCode()...
Determines whether the specified OuterShadow is equal to the current OuterShadow....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides GetEffective() GetHashCode()...
Determines whether every element in the collection matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate....System::Collections::Generic Library Aspose.Slides TrimExcess() operator[]()...
Determines whether the specified AlphaCeiling is equal to the current AlphaCeiling....Aspose::Slides::Effects Library Aspose.Slides GetEffective() GetHashCode()...
Adds a new placeholder if there is no and sets placeholder properties to a specified one....Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides RemovePlaceholder() GetBasePlaceholder()...